Kit Product

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KIT is an assembly of many finished items grouped together to be sold; its price is calculated for each finished item. KIT itself does not qualify as stock; each finished product is stored separately. For instance, Universal Furniture manufactures a variety of furniture types. When the business sells its furniture, it sells a dining table, chairs, pillows, etc. as a KIT. So finished goods are sold as a group rather than individually.

Follow the steps below to configure a KIT product, its Version, and its Bill of Materials –

1.1 Kit Product setup –

1) Open the products list from the Apps Launcher.

2) Click the New button to create a new KIT item.

3) Select the product record type as a kit, enter the product Name, the status must be “Released“, and the Active checkbox must be checked. The Track Inventory and Allow back order checkbox should be Unchecked, Is Kit check box should be checked, Type should be Kits

4) Enter other details if required and click on the Save button to create the Kit Product.

1.2 Version setup –

  • Open the Product record, find the Version object (related list) and Click on the New
  • Select the Record Type as Kit, enter the Version Code, Product will be selected by default, Active checkbox should be checked, Status should be certified, enter the Start Date and End Date.
  • Enter other details if required and click on Save button to create the Version record.

Note : If the product has the single version then Mark the version as Default, else then the default checkbox need not be enabled the user can select the required version in the order product.

1.3 Bill of Materials Setup –

1. Open the Product record, find the Bill of Material-related list, and click on the New Button.

2. Select the Record Type as Kit BOM, enter the Name of Bill of Material, main Product will be selected by default on the BOM (product) lookup field, select the created BOM Version, select the Bill of Material from the BOM (component) lookup, enter the Quantity, Active checkbox should be checked, Type Should be Primary, Status should be Certified.

3. Enter other details if required and click on the Save button to create the Bill of Material record.

Note: – If you want to add any alternate BOM, select alternate Bill of Material from the BOM (alternate) lookup field. Refer to the alternate BOM creation steps mentioned below.

2. Order and its MRP and Stock Outward Line-Item creation steps –

  1. Find the Orders tab from the App Launcher and click on the name.
  1. All existing orders will show up as a list.

3. Create a new order or choose an existing order from the list that contains a Kit product.

4. Check for the Price book associated with the Order

5. Verify each BOM component has the same price book as the order. For example if the Order has the Standard price book the BOM component set up above Tyre dresser should also have the ‘Standard price book’

Auto creation of Logistic using ‘Ready to Pick & pack’ Checkbox

1. Go to related list of order and search for the order products related list and open up your kit order product

2. Make sure that ‘IS kit’ checkbox is enabled and ‘Allocate Stock’ , ‘Inventory Tracked’  are disabled.

3. Enable ‘Explode’ checkbox and ‘Save’ to create the MRPs and stock outwards.

Note: If the BOM components have the required stock then it will create the stock outwards in the ‘Reserved’ status or in the ‘Requested Status’ and the ‘InSufficient BOM’ checkbox will be checked.

4. After verifying the MRPs and outwards in the reserved status, Enable ‘Ready to Pick & Pack’ checkbox on order to create logistics

Manual creation of logistics

1. Go to the related list of the Order and search for the Logistic-related

2. Click on the Create New button On the Logistics-related list and you will be navigated to the screen called Order to Logistics.

In the above screenshot you can see that there is a product with the name Car Care kit is a kit product and all the BOMS which are associated with this kit product are listed down the kit product itself.

3. You can manually select the Distribution Centre as shown in the above screenshot when you change the Distribution Centre each time you can see the live available stocks of each product at that particular selected Distribution Centre.

4. Once the desired Distribution Centre is Selected you need to select all the items to which you want to create logistics as shown in the screenshot and click on the Logistic button which is located at the bottom of the screen.

5. Clicking on the Logistic button will navigate you to the next screen which will list out all the logistics items which are going to be created.

6. Click on the Save button as shown in the above screenshot and it will create the Outbound logistics and its line items for both kit and other products.

7. Once the logistic is created the same time system will create both MRP records for kit BOMS and Stock outward line items for all the products.

Once the Logistics get created for all Order products, you can navigate to the Outbound Logistic page to ship the items to the Customer, refer to the Outbound Logistic guide.

3. Check points for Kit product set up –

  1. Product Configuration:

Ensure the product is marked as ‘Is Kit’ and ‘Track Inventory’ is enabled.

Disable ‘Allow Back Orders’.

  1. Version Setup:

Enter the required fields such as:

  • Active (checked)
  • Record Type (Kit)
  • Start Date
  • To Date
  • Type (Sales)
  • Status (Certified)

Default (checked if it’s the default version to be used when creating logistics)

  1. BOM Setup:

Verify the BOMs have the correct details, including:

  • Record Type (Kit)
  • Active (checked)
  • BOM Component (the product which is the BOM)
  • BOM Version (the version set up in step 2)
  • Quantity
  • Status (Certified)
  • BOM Product (the product marked as Kit)
  1. Price Book:

Ensure all BOMs have the same price book as selected at the product level. This can be verified by navigating to the product’s related list price books.

  1. Ensure all BOMs have the required stock. – Make sure the all BOM component should have the stock in the correct site associated to channel assigned to order
  2. Logistics Creation:

Once the above steps are verified, navigate to the order.

For manual logistics, click on the ‘Create New’ button under the logistics section in the order’s related list.

For automatic creation, select the ‘Explode’ checkbox available on the order product and enable ‘Ready to Pick and Pack’.

NOTE: It is important to note that for kit products we need to first check the explode checkbox on the order line item and then the ready to pick and pack checkbox on the order, in the same order.