How Barcode Zone App Works ?

For Lightning Components

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There are three steps to display the barcode on your standard record detail page:
  1. Add a custom field into the object which you want to display the
  2. Create a visual force page to generate the
  3. Add the visual force page into the page layout.

Step1: Create a custom picklist field

Example: Barcode Type with the values listed below.

  1. code128
  2. code39
  3. ean13
  4. ean8
  5. qrcode
  6. pdf417

Step 2: Create a Visualforce Page.

Note: Please re-type the single and double quotes in the Visualforce page code.

Example: For custom controller or extension:


					<apex: sidebar="false" showHeader="false">
<apex:includeLightning />


var barvalue = '{!JSENCODE($currentPage.Parameters.Code)}'; var barType = '{!JSENCODE($currentPage.Parameters.Type)}';

if(barvalue == undefined || barvalue == '' || barvalue == null) barvalue = "AQXOLT";
if(barType == undefined || barType == '' || barType == null) barType = "code128";

if(barType == "code128" || barType == "code39" || barType == "ean8" || barType == "ean13"){

!$Lightning.use("BarcodeZone:TestBarcodeLightning", function() { console.log('after app upload');
!$Lightning.createComponent( "BarcodeZone:ACBarcodeZoneLightning",
{Value: barvalue, BrcdType: barType}, "Con",

function(cmp) { console.log("Component created!");
else if(barType == "qrcode" || barType == "pdf417"){

!$Lightning.use("BarcodeZone:Test2DBarcodeLightning", function() { console.log('after app upload');
!$Lightning.createComponent( "BarcodeZone:AC2DBarcodeZoneLightning",
{Value: barvalue, BrcdType: barType}, "Con",
function(cmp) { console.log("Component created!");

<div id="Con"></div>


For e.g., our case, we create a new Visualforce Page and add the below code for standard controller:

					<apex:page standardController="Product2" sidebar="false" showHeader="false">
<apex:includeLightning />


var barvalue = '{!JSENCODE($currentPage.Parameters.Code)}'; var barType = '{!JSENCODE($currentPage.Parameters.Type)}';

if(barvalue == undefined || barvalue == '' || barvalue == null) barvalue = "{!JSENCODE(Product2.ProductCode)}";
if(barType == undefined || barType == '' || barType == null)
barType = "{!JSENCODE(Product2.BarcodeZone Barcode_Type c)}";

if(barType == "code128" || barType == "code39" || barType == "ean8" || barType == "ean13"){

!$Lightning.use("BarcodeZone:TestBarcodeLightning", function() { console.log('after app upload');
!$Lightning.createComponent( "BarcodeZone:ACBarcodeZoneLightning",
{Value: barvalue, BrcdType: barType}, "Con",
function(cmp) {
console.log("Component created!");
else if(barType == "qrcode" || barType == "pdf417"){

!$Lightning.use("BarcodeZone:Test2DBarcodeLightning", function() { console.log('after app upload');
!$Lightning.createComponent( "BarcodeZone:AC2DBarcodeZoneLightning",
{Value: barvalue, BrcdType: barType}, "Con",
function(cmp) {
console.log("Component created!");

<div id="Con"></div>


Attribute Name

Attribute Type




Barcode value for which the barcode will be generated



Type of the barcode to be generated


  1. Select any Product from the Product list or create a new
  2. Enter the ‘Barcode Value’ to be generated and select the ‘Barcode Type’.

Example 1:

Barcode Value is “AQXOLT” and Barcode Type is “code39”.

Example 2:

Barcode Value is “AQXOLT” and Barcode Type is “code128”.

Example 3:

Barcode Value is “9780201734843” and Barcode Type is “ean13”.

Example 4:

Barcode Value is “83939399” and Barcode Type is “ean8”.

Example 5:

Barcode Value is “AQXOLT” and Barcode Type is “qrcode”.

Example 6:

Barcode Value is “83939399” and Barcode Type is “pdf417”.



